Investing Amid Low Expected ReturnsInvesting Amid Low Expected Returns
Making the Most When Markets Offer the Least
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Book, 2022
Current format, Book, 2022, , Available ."Investing Amid Low Expected Returns: Making the Most When Markets Offer the Least provides an evidence-based blueprint for successful investing when decades of market tailwinds are turning into headwinds. For a generation, falling yields and soaring asset prices have boosted realized returns. However, this past windfall leaves retirement savers and investors now facing the prospect of record-low future expected returns. Emphasizing this pressing challenge, the book highlights the role that timeless investment practices - discipline, humility, and patience - will play in enabling investment success. It then assesses current investor practices and the body of empirical evidence to illuminate the building blocks for improving long-run returns in today's environment and beyond. It concludes by reviewing how to put them together through effective portfolio construction, risk management, and cost control practices."--Publisher.
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- Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2022], ©2022
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